andrologist in delhi

7 Reasons Why Andrologist in Delhi is Best for Male Infertility Issues

Having troubles in your sexual relationship or not able to conceive naturally even after trying for one year? Consult the andrologist in Delhi to discard these issues.

Infertility is a reproductive disease that makes people unable to conceive. This disease is very common nowadays and can affect male, females or both. Male infertility means when a man faces troubles in making his partner pregnant. Also, it can affect your personal relationship and health at the same time. The male reproductive system relies on how healthy the sperm is and has a good erection or ejaculation so that the sperm can reach the female eggs.

There are many reasons for infertility in men that can affect their sexual health, those are:-

  • Sperm Disorders
  • Previous Medications
  • Mental Illness such as stress, depression or anxiety
  • Smoking
  • Excessive weight
  • Drinking Alcohol
  • Taking excessive abusive substances

In this article, you will get to know whom to visit for your infertility problems who is the andrologist in Delhi, what he does, and when should you consult with him.

Who is an Andrologist and What does he do?

Andrologist in Delhi

An Andrologist is an expert and has precise awareness and skills on physical sexuality. They observe, diagnose and research people’s sexual feelings, interactions, and help them to get the ideal solution for their issues. Moreover, if people have any problems regarding their sexual experiences, an andrologist assists people with the purpose to recover them from the problems.

An andrologist helps you to understand your sexual health problems and prescribe you the treatments or the medications based on your condition. The causes of infertility can be physical, mental, and emotional and that’s why a sex doctor is needed to cure your pain.

Why One Should Consult with a Andrologist in Delhi?

There are countless reasons for seeing an andrologist in Delhi, but most are related to sexual health or male infertility. If someone is facing issues during sexual intercourse or having infertility symptoms, then consult with a sex specialist doctor immediately.

However, some of the infertility issues which need an andrologist’s attention are:-

  • Penis Size:- The size of the penis always concerns men. Only a sexologist can suggest some medications or treatments increase the size and boost confidence.
  • Erectile Dysfunction:- Keeping an erection or not be able to get an erection properly can also make a man depress. Seeing an andrologist can make the sexual life better again.
  • Pain During or After Intercourse:- If anyone’s partner is experiencing pain during the sexual relationship or after then it can be upsetting. It is highly recommended to consult with a sex doctor because only he can give the proper advice and treatment for this.

Alongside this, lack of interest in sex, anxiety, and depression, a hectic lifestyle can also affect sexual relationships. The andrologist in Delhi will help you to come over these problems and make to live normally again.

7 Reasons Why Andrologist in Delhi is the Best

According to our keen research over the top andrologist or sexologist in Delhi, we found out that Dr. Chirag Bhandari, the founder of the Institute of Andrology and Sexual Health is one of the best andrologist among others. Here are seven compelling reasons why:-

  1. He has 8 years of experience in this field and has cured numerous people who were dealing with infertility.
  2. Dr. Chirag Bhandari is actively involved in Male Reproductive researchers and strongly believes in evidence-based medicine.
  3. He listens to his patients very calmly, tries to understand their problems, and gives them solutions accordingly.
  4. Dr. Chirag has been a certified and popular Men’s Health Coach by the Institute for Functional Medicine, USA.
  5. The andrologist in Delhi understands that mental health can play an important role in infertility so he put some further efforts to make people realize and overcome their mental problems.
  6. Moreover, Dr. Chirag Bhandari knows that patient’s privacy is very essential when it comes to infertility issues. So, he and his team make things easy for patients by keeping them private.
  7. The best part is if you’re living in any other state or country then also you can consult with the andrologist via online consultation.

The Takeaway of the Blog

Hope the above mentioned reasons will help you to choose the best sex specialist doctor in Delhi. If you want to consult with the doctor then you should probably book your appointment by registering on the official  IASH, India website. You can also book an appointment by calling on 96020 81813. Also, if you want to grab some information regarding any kind of treatments or therapies, then you can also drop a mail at

Don’t let your disease hung you back, consult with the doctor today. Help yourself by getting the proper treatment of infertility and get rid of this as soon as possible.